Our Story

Because everyone deserves to be seen.

It is human nature to ignore what makes us feel uncomfortable – to look away or not make eye contact. Some pretend nothing is wrong, hoping the “problem” will go away or be dealt with by others. The mission of The Invisible Project, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is to shine a light on individuals in our community who are often overlooked and marginalized — including people with disabilities, those living in poverty and immigrants. To many, these people are invisible.

I’ve chosen to accomplish this goal through a series of photographs and stories, beginning in 2019 with individuals with disabilities, progressing to the medically indigent in 2021, and continuing this year with the immigrant community. Each initiative highlights how every one of us can be unseen or overlooked. By preserving the words of the participants and allowing them to speak for themselves, our objective is to make the viewer uncomfortable with their preconceptions and look to our shared humanity. The viewer should see the person, not the label. People are people, regardless of their appearance, socioeconomic status, or how they uniquely move through the world. These stories are unforgettable and forever engraved in my heart. They fill me with gratitude for the lives and wisdom of the participants; the invisible should be embraced, not hidden. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. The Foundation and participants appreciate your support and open-mindedness in an ever-changing and challenging world.

-Pablo M. Ramírez

Pablo and his camper at Children’s Association for Maximum Potential  in 2019

Pablo and his camper at Children’s Association for Maximum Potential in 2019