The international immigration crisis affects millions and is continuously politicized and divisive. Living in the Rio Grande Valley, it is easy to live our daily lives neglecting the issue and even forgetting it exists — rendering the millions of refugees and their unique challenges invisible.
The mural “Listen to this wall” serves as a powerful reminder of the stories and hardships experienced by the countless individuals who have tried to cross it. While walls can often symbolize division and barriers, this image humanizes the refugee crisis, reminding us that behind every barrier there are real people with real stories of hope and resilience. It urges us to critically consider why these metaphorical and physical walls exist. Elevating the voices of refugees, too frequently ignored, is essential to moving towards a more equitable world.
Regardless of political beliefs and opinions of our border wall, the immigration crisis is real and not disappearing in the near future. Moving beyond political barriers and treating people with dignity and compassion is crucial as millions are affected by our undeniably broken system. We all share the common values of humanity and empathy, and opening a dialogue to candidly discuss differing perspectives while prioritizing the wellbeing of refugees is ever more relevant in a polarized society.
We invite you to reflect on your preconceived notions and keep an open-mind as we explore the crisis together. As I collect stories and photograph asylum-seekers on the US-Mexico Border, I hope to continue the narrative that the invisible deserve to be heard and seen.
Stay tuned for more information on our 2024 advocacy campaign!
- Pablo Ramírez